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ReptonPrimary School



What a fantastic first week back we have had! The children have all worked incredibly hard all week and are definitely ready for a relaxing weekend!


In English, we started a new unit focusing on Historical Narratives. Over the next few weeks we are going to use our knowledge of the Vikings to write our very own historical narratives. This week, we looked at our WAGOLL (What A Good One Looks Like) and we create a symbol map, using pictures to help sequence the narrative. The children all did a great job at this. We also looked at some higher-level vocabulary and used our dictionary skills to find the meanings of the words. In preparation, we have also had a go at writing character descriptions and setting descriptions. The children had some fantastic ideas!

In Maths, we have been continuing learning about multiplication and division. Year 3 have been thinking about the 4 times table and the 8 times table. Year 4 have been learning about the 7s, 11s and 12s. As a whole class, we have been learning about the relationship between multiplying by 1 and 0 as well as dividing by 1 and the number itself. The children picked up on this easily, but did get caught out by the odd tricky question! We are going to be doing even more practice, over the next few months, of our times tables. Please support your child with this at home. Times Tables Rock Stars is amazing for helping children to develop their fluency. Some children in our class have been using TTRS daily and their progress has DOUBLED in the last 2 months.

In Geography we have started learning about our new topic: ICELAND. We started reminding ourselves where the continents and oceans of the world are and what they are called. Can you have a go at labelling the map below?


In Science this week, we started our new topic: Sound. We discussed how sound travels and how our ears work to allow our brains to process what we hear. Flo even demonstrated the vibrations using her guitar string!


Next week, we have Forest School on Monday. We will be outside all day so please wrap up warm with sensible footwear! It will be an invaluable day and we are really excited about it!


Have a lovely weekend!


Miss Hanslow
