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ReptonPrimary School


W.C. 13.2.23

We have made it to the end of the half-term! Well done Hedgehogs, you have worked extremely hard this term and I am very proud of you. This week has been filled with tin can experiments, exploring nature, blowing paint using straws, and much more! Look below to see what we have been up to!



In our Maths learning this week, we have been focusing on how we can add two numbers together up to 20. We have been adding using four different ways; using number lines, using bar models, using First, Then and Now grids, and using ten frames. The children worked using different ways to add, to see which way they preferred the best. We then revisited our learning on number bonds and we started to investigate number bonds to 20. We used ten frames and base 10 to help work out some number bonds to 10. Have a go at the number bond game below to test your knowledge of number bonds to 20!



In our English learning, we have been learning the recount of "A life in Nairobi". After building the story map last week, we then created our own story maps of the recount. We then spoke about how a recount includes adjectives to describe feelings about past events. On Friday, we then wrote our own version of the recount, using a helpful word mat! Look at the word mat below. Can you write a sentence with your grown-up about the recount? Use the story map below to help you!



We have had a break from our Kenya learning to focus on our Science this week. Throughout the year, we will be exploring aspects of the different seasons. As we are coming to the end of Winter, we thought to investigate the signs of winter. We went on a nature walk to spot signs of Winter and found out about deciduous and evergreen trees. Can you find any of these in your local park or garden?


Whilst learning about winter, we found out that it is cold and frosty. On Wednesday, we did an experiment to find out how we can create frost. We used tin cans, ice cubes, salt and gloves to create frost from outside the can. We needed to make the inside temperature of the can fall below O degrees. Can you tell your grown-up how we did this experiment? Here are pictures of our experiments below.

We also did some fantastic Clarice Cliff inspired art which your children have taken home today! The children painted in the style of Clarice Cliff, and then blew paint through straws to create trees. Here are pictures of children creating their trees!

Spellings to learn over half term (also available on Spelling Shed)


Have a lovely half-term everyone!

Mr Armishaw
