This week we have continued to get used to our routines and new friends in our class. We’ve gradually introduced daily routines that will continue through the year, such as changing the date and weather each day and choosing a leader. The leader will lead the line out when we go outside or to the hall for lunch or PE. They will also be in charge of ringing the bells to announce tidy up times.
We asked the question ‘who is in my family?’ and the children all drew their families and talked about who lived in their house.
We also painted self portraits to display in our classroom; thinking about what colour our eyes, hair and skin was and carefully copying our features whilst looking in the mirror to check!
We started our Monster Phonics learning this week. We learned 4 sounds – s a t p and the tricky words, a, at as. We also built words to blend to read using these sounds, such as sat, pat, tap, at. The children loved meeting the monsters and look forward to our sessions. You can find all the information you will need about this scheme on the Monster Phonics section of our class page.
We also enjoyed our first PE lesson in the hall. We practised moving around the space, taking care not to bump into other children and moving in many different ways. We had to listen carefully to instructions too.
We also started ‘Squiggle while you Wiggle’ which involves moving our bodies whilst waving scarves around in different gross motor moves that will help us enormously when it comes to letter formation. We practise up, down, left, right and round and round actions, all to music!
We also learned all about Robins and talked about the facts we had found out about them to add to our robins display, of the collaged robins that we made last week. They look great!
As part of our PSHE curriculum, we learned about different types of families.
We sang lots of songs, action rhymes and circle games and listened to stories too.
Thank you for bringing in wellies and waterproofs for Forest Time. We aim to go into the forest area next week.
One more reminder: we will be learning about how we have changed since we were a baby next week. Please send in a photograph (or copy) of your child as a baby for our display. We will copy and return any originals. Many thanks for this.
Enjoy your weekend!