The Hedgehogs have had a fantastic week this week. We have settled into routines and we are now doing ordinary lessons to get us into the swing of our learning. Read on below to find out what we have been learning about!
In our Maths learning, we have learned how to count numbers from a large group and write the numbers in numerals and words. We have also learned how to represent numerals by drawing pictures, using resources like numicons, cubes, counters and number beads.
Can you count the representations shown below and write them on a piece of paper?
I have also put three Maths Quizes that cover the learning done this week. Do you think you can get all the questions right? Have a go using the link here, and use the username and password at the front of your Reading Record book.
In our English learning, we have continued learning our model text of Zog. We have learnt the story by acting out the story through freeze-frames. Here are some of our freeze-frames below. Can you tell your grown-up what we are doing in each of these scenes? What parts of the story are we telling through these freeze frames?
We also looked at what nouns and adjectives are. The children were getting really familiar with what a noun was especially. Nouns are the names of objects, places, people, animals and things. Adjectives are words used to describe a noun.
Other Areas of Curriculum
We have started our new history learning this week and we have been looking at what life was like for children in the past over 100 years ago. We looked at some photographs of what life was like for children. We talked about how life was not black and white for children back in the day. But photographs were rarely taken, and that there was no colour photography had not been invented then. We talked about the similarities and differences of our lives with those of the ones in the pictures. Looking at the photographs below, what can you tell your grown-ups about what children did for fun back 100 years ago? Is there anything else you noticed about the children (what they are wearing, doing, feeling?)
We also were introduced to the laptops for the first time in our Computing lessons. We learnt how to login to a computer, why passwords are important and we explored using a programme (SketchPad) to practise our mouse skills!
Meet The Teacher Presentation
It was lovely to meet those that came to the presentation meeting on Friday. If you need to get in contact with me, please email me at If you missed it or could not attend, I have included all the information on my class page. Click the page below.
Have a lovely weekend and see you all on Monday!
Mr Armishaw