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ReptonPrimary School



This week in English, the children have enjoyed using the poetry skills they have learned over the last couple of weeks, to write their own Christmas acrostic poems that included simile and alliteration.


In Maths, we have been continuing work on multiplication and division. Some children have found this tricky as their recall of times tables is not as secure as it could be. Please encourage your children to keep learning tables and building up speed and confidence. Times tables Rock Stars and online games such as Daily 10 and Hit the Button, are lots of fun, however it is easy to make matching games with scraps of paper or just chant tables as you are travelling.


We have now come to the end of our topic work about Vikings. The children have enjoyed using card, string and tin foil to make a Viking broach this week. They have also made some fabulous double page spreads, showing all of the facts that they have found most interesting from the topic.


On Monday we are going to church for our Christmas service at St.Wystan's Church at 10am. We look forward to seeing you all there. If you are available to walk with us, it would be greatly appreciated!


Next week we have our Christmas party on Tuesday afternoon. You will have been sent a request for a donation of a shop bought food item towards the party. We thank you in advance for this. Children are being allowed to wear their party clothes for the day, however please ensure clothes and shoes are warm and suitable for wear around school, on the playground and for walking to swimming for year4.


We hope you all have a lovely weekend!


Miss Hanslow
