It’s British Science Week! We have been very busy this week doing extra science activities as well as some mid-term assessments!
In English, the children have completed a spelling and grammar assessment. I was impressed by the children’s recall of grammatical terms: nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs etc. But we still have some work to do on this! We also completed a reading assessment to check the children’s comprehension skills.
In Maths, the children have completed an arithmetic and a reasoning assessment. They have all made good progress in both these areas. We will continue to review and recap previously taught concepts so that the children’s understanding continues to strengthen.
In Geography/Science we have been learning about volcanoes: how and why they erupt. We have also started making our very own volcanoes!
For National Science Week, we had a carousel of activities in Key Stage 2. The theme this year is ‘time’ so all the activities were focused around this. The children had great fun visiting different classrooms and learning about a variety of scientific concepts:
Miss Bailey taught the children how to make 10 seconds timers. They had to use a variety of resources to make a device which had the duration of 10 seconds every time.
Miss Hobbs taught the children about metamorphosis: The children acted out the life cycle of a frog by playing the game ‘rock, paper, scissors’. Each time they won, they moved onto the next stage of the life cycle!
Mrs Baxter taught the children about how neurons work in the brain! They discussed how, over time, more connections are made within the brain. This web of connections is known as a connectome.
Mrs K taught the children about air resistance. They were challenged to slow down the fall of an egg when dropped from a height using a variety of resources.
With me, the children learned about adaptation, we looked at how animals adapt their appearance over time for survival. I challenged them to design camouflage for a moth to fit in with our classroom environment. They had great fun with a huge range of designs. At the end of the lesson, I pretended to be a bird and see which moths I could spot around the classroom! I couldn’t believe how many moths remained hidden! The children did a fantastic job!
Today the children celebrated Red Nose Day! Thank you to all those parents who made donations!
Have a lovely weekend!
Miss Hanslow