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ReptonPrimary School


Updates W.C 22.01.24

Another great week for the Hedgehogs Class! Look below to find out what we have been learning about this week!



In our Maths learning, we focused our learning on understanding the number 20. We learned that 20 is a two digit-number made of 2 tens and 0 ones. In pairs, we built 20 in numerous ways using resources such as tens and ones, using ten frames, numicons, number beads etc. Here are some photos of us working together to create the number 20!

We also have been learning to find one more and one less of numbers up to 20. We then looking at finding missing numbers on a number line up to 20, and using number lines to answer questions such as "can you circle a number on the number line that is one more than 20?". Here is a number line. Can you answer the questions below using the number line to help you?


Challenge 1: 


Challenge 2: 


Challenge 3: 



In our English learning, we have been very creative this week! We innovated the ending of The Giant Jumperee, and we talked about how we can change it to be our own ending, and make the story more exciting. We did a shared writing lesson in which the children helped me produce my writing and make my work better, and then the children wrote their endings, and their ideas "blew me away"! We then looked at creating our own double-page spreads on Friday, ready to write our HOT WRITES next week. We created a scared character, a new scary creature, and then characters who try and help the scared character. Can you tell your grown-up what your story will be about?



In our Geography learning, we have been continuing to look at different maps of Kenya. On Monday, we decided to look at physical features and landmarks of Kenya. There are so many different areas of Kenya which are interesting to visit and they are spread out all over the map. Can you look at the map below and see if you can identify the names of the places on the map? 


We also looked at other maps of Kenya, and of the UK. These maps had symbols on them so we had to work out what the symbols meant. We then created a key, to let other people know what they symbols meant. Can you tell a grown-up what the symbols on these maps mean?




Thank you to those who brought in a bottle for our Computing lesson this week. On Thursday, we used the designs that we created last week to make our bottle using different materials. We will then test how far they fly next week and will collect the data from this! 


Spellings (available on Spelling Shed)


Just a reminder that next Tuesday afternoon is our Forest School session which we are very excited about! Please send your child into school wearing their outdoor clothing. If your child has wellies, please put them in a plastic bag, and your child can come into school in trainers. We can get your child changed into their wellies in school.


Have a lovely weekend!


Mr Armishaw
