Wow! What a busy week it has been!
In English this week, we have been working hard planning and writing up our own set of instructions. All the children have done incredibly well to remember all the features of instructional writing! Including: a heading; sub-headings; equipment list; chronological order; imperative verbs; time conjunctions and adverbs to add extra detail.
In Maths, we have been looking at column subtraction with exchanging. We have been learning how and why we need to borrow (exchange) from the column to the left so that we have enough to complete our calculations. The children did really well to remember all the steps needed. We will be sending some homework home next week so the children can practise this further.
In History, we have continued learning about the Vikings. This week we focused on what life was like for Viking children. In groups, the children researched and wrote down all the facts they had learnt about different aspects including: Viking boys; Viking girls; skills and education.
Repton Theatre
We were so lucky to be invited to Repton to see their performance of ‘High School Musical’. All the children were very well behaved, they walked to and from school beautiful and at the theatre they really exhibited our core values. It was an incredibly inspiring performance and hopefully an ever-lasting memory for the children.
Anti-Bullying Week
This week it has been Anti-Bullying Week and we have been thinking about the way we treat others and how our words and actions can have a big impact on the people around us. We discussed how sometimes bullying can be difficult to spot and is sometimes disguised as ‘banter’. We looked at some different examples of ‘jokes’ and worked out whether they were ‘banter’ or whether they were actually somebody being unkind. We discussed how our vocabulary choices can have a big impact on this. We all wore our odd socks on Monday to remind ourselves that everyone is different and that’s a good thing!
Children in Need!
A huge thank you to everyone who donated money for CIN today! It was great to see everyone dressed up in their favourite hobbies, Children in Need outfits and PJs!
Please remember to bring in your small boxes, for Art, if you haven’t already and any chocolate moulds that you might have that we can borrow.
Have a lovely weekend!
Miss Hanslow