We have had a lovely week full of HOT WRITES, fractions and DT projects! Look below to find out what we have been up to this week.
In our Maths learning this week, we have continued our work on fractions. We have explored about what a half means by looking at how we can cut objects in half, how we can recognise a half, and how we can half amounts. We even learned about what a quarter means as well!
We started the week by cutting objects in half and recognising that we have to make two equal groups. Using this knowledge we then halved amounts by sharing amounts into two equal groups. Here are some photos of us working in pairs to half amounts, both with cubes and with cubes. (We were trying to half 16, and some of us were trying to see if it is possible to half 15!)
I have set some Maths Shed quizzes if you want to continue the learning at home.
Quiz! Which of these shapes show a half? Talk with your grown-up to see if you can work them out! (It's a tricky one!)
In our English work this week, we have been working on our HOT WRITES for our character flaw stories. At the start of the week, the children created their own plans using a double-page spread. The children then helped Mr Armishaw create sentences for his plan, before writing their own stories. The children created lovely, well written stories using ambitious words, and some stories even included speech marks as well! The writing can be found in the writing gallery of our classroom. What was your story about? Could you draw a story map for your story, or write sentences about the story?
Science and DT
In our Science work this week, we finished off our work on animals by sorting animals into whether they were herbivores, omnivores or carnivores. Have a look at the animals below. By looking at their diets, what group would you put each of these animals? Talk with your grown-ups to see if you can work them all out!
We have also started our DT project. Every unit of science, we will be completing a Design and Technology project based on the work we have done. This week, and next week, we will be learning the steps to create a moving animal picture. This week, the children learned how to create sliders and levers, ready to design a moving animal picture scene for a friend next week. Here are some pictures of their sliders below.
This week in our Phonics, we have been working on the oe, oa, ow, and ou digraphs. Please use the time to read sheets if you need to practise these phonemes.
Spellings and QR codes
It is not far from the Year 1 Phonics Screening Check that takes place the week commencing the 10th June. If you have any questions about the check, or your child's progress, please get in touch.
Have a lovely weekend!
Mr Armishaw