Welcome back Ravens!
The last half term before summer. Where has the year gone?! It's been an exciting half term with Miss Hobbs having her baby boy. They are both doing well. We have also welcomed Mrs Cotton to the Ravens team and she has had a great first week in class. The children all made her feel welcome.
We have continued our maths work that we started before half term on decimals. The children have shown a great understanding of this and have shown knowledge of how to continue and complete sequences, identifying the rules. We have also worked on what happens to the digits when we multiply by 10, 100 and 1000.
In English, we have started a new narrative topic- stories in imaginary worlds. The children have read a model text and watched a clip that accompanied it. We have identified the toolkit and mindmapped lots of possibilities for our own stories. There were lots of great ideas that we are sure will become fantastic stories.
We are working our way through the book 'The Light Jar', this is getting interesting as we meet new characters along the way.
We hope you have a great weekend.
The Ravens Team