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ReptonPrimary School


W/C 30.09.24

Well done Owls for super week! 


In maths, we have been comparing pictures and numbers. Have a go at the problems below:


We then ordered numbers from 'smallest' to 'greatest' and vise versa. Can you order these numbers from 'smallest' to 'greatest'? Remember to look at the 'tens' to help you:


55    73      81      23       39        60        12


In English, we discovered that our pet dragons had gone missing! We decided to write a descriptive poster to put around school. This was our first 'Hot Write' in Year 2. We included capital letters, full stops, questions and expanded noun phrases! Can you remember one expanded noun phrase that you included in your hot write? We were really proud of them! We did such a good job that the dragons all return back on Friday and our reward was some chocolate coins! Well done, Owls!


On Wednesday, It was National Poetry Day. This is a day where we explore, share and create poems. The theme for this year is ‘counting’. Together, we explored some counting poems/songs such as 'Five Little Speckled Frogs' and 'One Elephant Went to Play'. In groups, we then created our own counting poetry and performed these to the class. We chose different animals/insects to write about and thought about what they would be doing.


In history, we learnt about Victorian schools. What were the uniforms like? What did the classroom look like? What were the teachers like? We then compared Victorian schools to schools today. Take a look at the pictures below and identify whether this would be in a Victorian school or a school today: 


On Thursday, we had our Victorian Workshop! We had so much fun learning about what life was like in the Victorian era with Ms Grimm and a Victorian maid. What was school like? What jobs did they have? What jobs did a maid have to do? Take a look at our pictures below! 



