Well, only one more week to go before we break up for summer. I can't quite believe it!
This week we have still been very busy. In English we have been writing our playscripts, the children chose a chapter from the story that we have been reading in class 'The Light Jar' and converted this into a playscript. We have had some fantastic versions of the chapter, with all of the features included. Some very precise stage directions, with the correct terminology for where characters are placed on stage. Super work!
During Maths, we have persevered with convering units of measure. Conveting metric to imperial proved tricky, but the children all worked so hard- we got there in the end. We have also looked at reading timetables towards the end of the week, which the children seemed confident with.
In PE with Mrs Cotton, we focussed on shotput. With Mrs Pushkarich we did the best we could indoors with rounders, we looked at fielding and using our bodies to create a barrier for the ball. Then we finished with a game of dodgeball, as rounders in the hall, was not possible. We are hoping for dry weather next week so that we can play a game of rounders to put all of our new skills to use.
In French, we have looked at clothing sentences. We started our installation unit in Art and looked at what installation art is, whilst also learning about old age in Science. A highlight of our week was watching the Y6 performance on Monday. They did a great job. It will be your children next year! How time flies.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Pushkarich & Mrs Cotton