What a super first week back at school!
In maths, we have continued with our new maths unit: Shape. So far, we have been exploring 2D shapes. We have been naming different 2D shapes and drawing them. We have also been counting the sides and the vertices and finding lines of symmetry. Show someone at home what you can do:
Later in the week, we sorted 2D shapes into groups and started to count the faces and edges on 3D shapes. Can you tell someone at home what a 3D shape is? Can you spot any at home?
In English, we have learnt our new model text: A Space Adventure. This is a journey tale about a boy who finds an aeroplane and flies it into space! But something goes terribly wrong...
Tell someone at home what happens in each section of our story:
Introduction: Who is our main character? What does he find? What journey does he go on?
Build-up: What goes wrong?
Problem: Something even worse happens! Who does he meet? How does Tom feel?
Resolution: How does the alien help Tom get home?
Ending: How does Tom feel in the end?
We also looked for the key features in our model text, such as adverbs, similes, adjectives and conjunctions. This will help us include these features in our own journey tales next week! Can you tell someone what a simile is? Complete the sentences below to make a simile:
The dog is as fluffy as a _____________ .
The boy ran fast like a ______________ .
The stars sparkled in the sky like _________________ .
This week, we have started our new geography topic: Astonishing Australia! This term, we will explore Australia, its landmarks, weather, history and culture. We have had a brilliant first few lessons. To start our geography topic, we explore the United Kingdom. Tell someone at home how many countries are in the United Kingdom. Can you remember what they are (use our rhyme about 'donkey tails' to remind you!)? We then looked at the capital cities of each country and some of its physical and human features.
We have learnt lots of different spelling rules during the Autumn term. We will now be revisiting these spellings throughout the Spring and Summer term to consolidate these rules. Please continue to encourage your children to learn these spellings.