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ReptonPrimary School



We have come to the end of another busy week in Foxes class! I cannot believe that we only have 3 weeks to go until the summer!


In English, we have been learning about poetry and this week we have looked at Haikus! The children learned where Haikus originated and how they are formed – short poems with 3 lines, following the pattern of 5 syllables, 7 syllables, 5 syllables. They had great fun creating their own Spring/Summer Haikus and then presenting them to the class! Some children even asked me if they could do some at home! I would love to see these if they do!


In Maths we have started a new unit: Shape. This week, the children have been learning about angles: right angles, acute angles and obtuse angles. They have been comparing and ordering angles and the Year 4s have also looked at different types of triangles and quadrilaterals.


In Science, we have been learning all about classification in our new unit of ‘Living things and their Habitats’. On Monday, the children sorted animals according to their features using Venn and Carroll Diagrams and on Thursday we learned how to use classification keys. Next week we are going to find out more about minibeasts: how to identify them and classify them into categories.


Next week, on Tuesday, it is our class swap day! The children can look forward to a day off timetable with a range of exciting activities!


Have a super weekend!


Miss Hanslow
