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ReptonPrimary School





What a lovely week it has been this week! We have enjoyed some beautiful sunshine and Mr Tague introduced our chalking area in the playground!


In English this week, we have planned and written our non-chronological reports about an animal of our choosing. A huge thank you for supporting them by enabling them to complete some of their research at home. They have shown that they understand the features of this type of text and they have written some amazing reports! I am so proud of them!


In Maths, Year 4 have been learning more about decimals and how to divide by 10 and 100 giving a decimal answer. We are continuing to work on times tables as the pace now increases towards our national test in a few weeks. Please encourage your children to learn tables facts at speed and use TTRS or games such as daily 10.

I am so impressed with the progress they have been making in school, but any extra support from home with this would be amazing!


Year 3 have been measuring capacity and volume in litres and millilitres.  They have also thought about comparing capacities and volumes while also adding and subtracting capacity and volume. We are learning all about money next week!


In Science, we have finished our work on teeth and been learning the names and functions of parts of the digestive system. Next week we will be making a model of the digestive system from start to finish!


In Art, the children created some wonderful 3D models, under the theme 'recycle and recreate'. The children had some fantastic ideas. Thank you to everyone who donated craft items to school - they were well used and very appreciated! The children were challenged to consider the size of their design, how they would join it together and how they would display their artwork.

Have a lovely weekend! Enjoy the village party!


Miss Hanslow
