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ReptonPrimary School


W/C 07.10.24

We have had a great week!


In maths, we have completed our first unit of work: Place Value. To finish our place value unit, we have been counting in 2s, 5s, 10s and 3s this week. Show someone at home what you can do:


Counting in 2s:


Counting in 5s:


Counting in 10s:


Remember, we can count in 10s from any number. We change the tens but the ones stay the same:


Counting in 3s:


Have a look at some songs we use to help us remember number patterns:


In English, we have been learning our new model text: How to Trap a Dragon! Blaze has been doing lots of mischevious things around the classroom, so Mrs Taylor-Day wrote instructions on how to trap him. Can you tell someone about our instructions? We have also been looking at using time conjunctions and imperative verbs (bossy verbs). Can you spot them in the instructions below:


First, brush your teeth. 

Next, read a story. 

Finally, go to sleep. 


Here is the song to help us remember imperative verbs:


In topic, we have been learning about the changes that were made throughout the Victorian era which allowed all children to attend school for free! We placed these on a timeline. Can you tell someone at home about what happened using the pictures below to help you?:


