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ReptonPrimary School



After a weekend recovering from a fun-packed two days at Bushcraft and Forest School, the children returned on Monday raring to go!


This week, the children have completed their end of term assessments in Reading, Maths and SPAG. I am so proud of the progress all the children have made this year! They tried their hardest to complete the assessments to the best of their ability to show me all the amazing skills and knowledge that they have learned this year!


Tuesday saw us make the ‘Healthy Sandwiches’ that we have been designing in Design and Technology. The children enjoyed cutting, spreading and slicing their ingredients before building their sandwiches. They looked amazing! We then went out onto the field with the rest of year 3/4 for a little picnic! Afterwards, the children evaluated the texture, taste, smell and appearance of their sandwiches.



On Wednesday we enjoyed our Sports Day! A huge thank you to all the parents who were able to attend!


On Friday we had a look at the story of ‘The Arrival’ by Shaun Tan. ‘The Arrival’ is a migrant story told through a series of wordless images. This silent graphic novel is the story of every migrant, every refugee, every displaced person, and a tribute to all those who have made the journey. The children were really engaged with the book and enjoyed making predictions, inferences and connections using their prior knowledge. With it being Refugee Week this week and National Writing Day on Wednesday, it felt like the perfect opportunity to look at this particular book.


Have a lovely weekend!


Miss Hanslow
