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ReptonPrimary School


W/c 25th November 2024

A packed week in Puffins. Consisting of lots of fraction work, converting, multiplying and adding. In English we have been learning about non-chronological reports. Read on to find out more…


In English this week we have been looking at non-chronological reports. We have been learning about formal and non-formal language and when we use the correct choice of language. We continued to looking at rewording sentences to practice editing writing. We looked at a World War II non-chronological report and created our own toolkit of features that are found in the reports which will help us moving forward in our own writing to ensure we include these in our own writing. We will be moving on to undergoing our own research and begin to plan our own report using all of our learning.


In Maths, Year 4 have been continuing with their multiplication and division unit. This week they have been learning the multiplication and division facts for the 6 times table. They then progressed onto the 9 times table. The children finished the week by reviewing their 3, 6 and 9 times tables, the relationships between these and their related inverse learning.


In Maths, Year 5 have been reviewing some of our previous fraction learning and moved on to comparing and ordering fractions greater than 1. The children have used all of their previous fraction learning and their multiplication and division facts in order to find a common denominator and find equivalent fractions to support ordering fractions. The children have shown great understanding of mixed number and improper fractions and used these skills to progress to adding fractions. Can you share your learning by explaining to your adult how we workout this question?

In history this week we looked at art during World War II. We have been looking at propaganda pictures and what message the government were trying to promote. Can you explain to your adult what this poster was about?

We then moved on to learning about the Canary Girls. We learnt why they were named that, we learnt about munition factories and how these jobs changed from before the war. Can you explain to your adult what is happening in this picture and why the women didn’t have these jobs before the war?
