We have had another super week in Foxes class!
In Maths this week, the year 4s finished off their learning about multiplication and division. They learnt how to divide 2 and 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers using the bus stop method as their formal method of division.
The year 5s have been learning how to multiply unit and non-unit fractions by a whole number (integer). They have also learnt how to multiply a mixed number by an integer.
In English, we have been learning about explanation texts, the children have looked at a variety of explanation texts and learnt about their features. We also learnt how to use conjunctions, expanded noun phrases and time adverbials to add details to this text type.
In Geography, the children have been comparing the Amazon River to the River Thames. They were interested to find out how different both rivers are. We also compared the Amazon Rainforest and Sherwood Forest.
Next week, it is Children’s Mental Health week as well as NSPCC Number Day on Friday.