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ReptonPrimary School



Cursive Handwriting


Although the national curriculum does not require children to develop fully cursive writing, learning cursive handwriting offers several benefits. It helps develop fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and finger dexterity. Cursive writing also promotes cognitive skills, such as improved memory and reading comprehension. Additionally, it allows for faster and more efficient writing once mastered.


The children start in Year 1 to learn how to form individual letters using cursive strokes. We then build on this knowledge by encouraging children to then join letters to other letters. We do this slowly and gradually, through careful modelling and feedback.

We start teaching cursive handwriting in January. We will then start to teach joining letters to other letters in March. When teaching and modelling to the children how to do cursive handwriting, I use this online tool (which you can find the link to this website below) to help show the children and repeat the strokes. It is interactive, and you can use this tool on an IPAD if you wish for your child to practise this at home.

You can support your child's cursive handwriting practice at home by providing them with ample writing materials, such as lined paper and quality pens or pencils. Encourage regular practice sessions and offer guidance on letter formation and technique. Celebrate their progress and provide a supportive environment for practising. If your child is facing difficulties with cursive handwriting, it's important to offer support and patience. Break down the learning process into smaller, manageable steps. Provide extra practice, reinforcement, and positive feedback.


To help children and parents understand how to do the cursive strokes, I have attached a link to some short videos to show how these letters are formed.

I have also attached some printable sheets if you do want to practise these letters at home as well. They are really useful as it has arrows to show the direction of the movement for each of these letters. 

If you have any questions, or would like some advice on cursive handwriting, please do not hesitate to get in touch.


Mr Armishaw
