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ReptonPrimary School


Week Commencing 11.11.24

We have had a great week this week! We have gotten into the full swing of Christmas nativity practice and we are very excited to show you it soon. Look below to find out what we have been up to this week.



In our Maths learning this week, we have been learning all about how to solve addition problems. We have been trying to solve addition problems using different methods. We have been focussing on using number lines, ten frames and bar models to add and to solve problems. Here are some Maths problems that you can have a go at with your grown-up! Can you draw a number line, use a ten frame, or represent the problem using a bar model?

Challenge 1

Challenge 2 

Challenge 3



In our English learning this week, we have started to learn a new piece of text, a non-chronological report. Our text that we are learning is called 'All About Hedgehogs' (very fitting for our class). We started to get inspired by the text by looking at pictures outside of Mr Armishaw's garden where he captured some images of a hedgehog in his garden!




We then learned the text (which you can find below) by creating a Mighty Writer text map of it. We have been learning it throughout the week! Here it is below.

We have also looked at the structure of the non-chronological report and how the report has questions and facts. We then looked at how we can create questions using question marks. On Friday's lessons, we learned how to create questions about a picture. Can you come up with a question about this picture with your grown-up? I have put some words below that you can use to start your question!











We have been continuing to look at the Titanic. We started to look at what life was like on board the Titanic for the different classes on board. We sorted areas and places on board the Titanic on whether they were for the 1st, 2nd or 3rd class. Here are some pictures below. Can you work with your grown-up to sort them into what class it belonged too?

We also started to create diary entries and imagined if we were on board the Titanic. The children have created some fantastic diary entries, and we will continue on with them next week.



In our Phonics this week, we have been focusing on different graphemes of /ur/. We have looked at urir and er. Please use the Monster Phonics booklet to consolidate any sounds that your child may struggle with.


Other things that have happened this week!

Odd Socks Day!



Children in Need Day - Non-Uniform Day!








Have a lovely weekend!


Mr Armishaw
