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ReptonPrimary School



Wow! What a busy first week back we have had Foxes! We have had an amazing week learning all about biographies, World War II and Bon Jovi's Livin' on a prayer!


In English we started our new unit on biographies. Our WAGOLL this week was an example of a biography written about Anne Frank. The children found her story inspiring and were amazed that her famous diary has been read by millions of people all around the world! We have looked carefully at the features of a biography and we have boxed up our WAGOLL so that we understand the structure and features used. Next week we will be doing our own research about a significant individual during WWII and creating our own biographies!


In Maths, Year 4 have been finishing off our addition and subtraction unit by looking at making efficient choices when subtracting. We have been looking at estimating our answers and rounding numbers to help us make our estimations. On Friday we started learning about Area, which we will continue to learn about next week.


Year 5 have been looking at multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1,000. We completed a practical lesson which helped the children deepen their understanding of how these numbers change on a place value chart, either moving to the left or the right depending on the operation. The children then moved onto using these skills to work out calculations of multiples of 10, 100 and 1,000 using steps to solve problems. 



In History this week, we introduced our new topic: World War II. This week we have been focusing on Conflict. We ordered a timeline of key events that took place and found out which countries were Allies, which were Axis Power and which were neutral. We then moved on to seeing how these countries allegiances changed as the war went on and completed a map to depict these areas of influence for 1941.


In Music, we learnt about a rock song by Bon Jovi called 'Livin on a prayer' we listened to it a couple of times, decided whether or not we liked it (we did!) and we discussed how the song had been structured.


Have a great weekend!


Miss Hanslow
