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ReptonPrimary School



Another brilliant week has flown by. 


We have continued with our work on the Rain Player and the children have written some fantastic descriptions using similes, as well as applying  our knowledge of direct speech to Thursday’s lesson.


In Maths, we have compared numbers and positioned these on a number line and have moved onto rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100, 1000 and 10,000. 


For Science, we have planned an investigation to test which material would be best suited for a new lunch box. We want the food to stay cool for as long as possible. Your child may need to bring in some materials from home for this (if we don’t have them in school), depending on what they have chosen to test. These will need to be in school next Thursday please. A reminder will be sent out closer to the time.


We had some fun doing a monoprint this week in Art, we captured a small section of a house drawing from last week and used this to create a monoprint. They have turned out well, especially as this is the first time we have done this!


We hope you have a lovely weekend,


The Otters Team


Homework- Activity sheet on direct and indirect speech.

Spellings on Spelling Shed- 

Year 4- words with the long I phoneme

Year 5- Short vowel I spelt with y.
