What a super week Puffins have had. It has included understanding the Maya creation story, planning and creating our Hot Write and also thinking about different groups of people and what they believe is Fact and Opinion about God.
In English this week we have been planning our Hot Write based on the Rain Player. All of the children have created some wonderful plans thinking about what their characters had to challenge a Maya God to do and how they could save their village. The children have worked incredibly hard on their Hot Writes and have done some amazing writing. Well done Puffins.
In Maths, Year 4 have been rounding to the nearest 10, 100, 100. They have thought about when they need to round up or down and which numbers will tell them what to do depending on what number they are rounding to.
In Maths, Year 5 have been using mental strategies to answer questions. We have also looked at the formal method for addition and subtraction. We thought about when we need to exchange when subtracting and how we can do this.
Topic this week has involved us learning about how the Maya believe the world was created. We looked in detail at the Gods Tepeu and Gucamatz and how the Maya believed they created the world and the people who live in it. We then created a comic strip detailing the story.
In RE we thought about atheists and theists and how their understanding of fact and opinion on God would vary depending on their beliefs and feelings about God.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend.
Stay safe
Mrs Karamucki