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ReptonPrimary School


Week Commencing 4.11.24

Welcome back to a new term! This term is going to be a busy (but fun) one with our Christmas production to look forward too, and lots of exciting learning coming up! Read below to find out what we have been doing this week.



In our Maths learning this week, we have been learning all about number bonds. A number bond is a pair of numbers that add to make a specific number. We started the week by looking at numbers up to 10. We used part-whole models to practise making numbers in different ways. Look at the part-whole models below, what number bonds are they showing?


(If you wanted to have a go at building your own part-whole models, here is the link to the website that I use


We also looked at how we can find number bonds systematically. This is a way we can find number bonds in order. For example, these are number bonds to 5 done systematically.

5 + 0 = 5

4 + 1 = 5

3 + 2 = 5

2 + 3 = 5

1 + 4 = 5

0 + 5 = 5



Can you find the number bonds to 7 systematically starting with...?

7 + 0 = 7


Finally on Friday, we looked at number bonds to 10. This is a really important skill as it helps with addition facts all the way up to Year 6. We started by using numicons to find number bonds to 10. We even looked at some bar-models to 10 as well! We played a really fun game called 'Hit the Button' - which you can find here (click 'Number Bonds' -> 'Make 10')


Challenge 2

Can you see if you can solve these missing bar models and find the number bonds to 10?



In our English learning, we have finished off our unit on instruction writing. The children planned their own set of instructions using a double-page spread. Then on Thursday, the children helped me write my set of instructions, and then they wrote their own set of instructions. The children used time conjunctions, bullet points to set out their instructions. The Hedgehogs did such a good job. There work can be found in our writing gallery of our Hedgehog bay. Can you write a set of instructions for your grown-ups? Maybe it could be on how to clean your teeth? Or it could be some made up instructions on how to catch a dragon?


Other Areas of the Curriculum


In our History learning, we carried on our learning from the previous term by looking at working class, middle class and upper class families. We looked at the differences and similarities between these families from 100 years ago. This linked nicely to our lesson on Thursday where we started our learning on... The Titanic!


The children were very excited to learn about the events of the Titanic. Although it is an event over 100 years ago, it is still an important event that children can learn and know about. We also use this event to compare to other events in time such as The Great Fire of London.  We will be spending all of next week looking at the events of the 1912 Titanic disaster, how it made people feel and exploring other enquiry questions. We learned about the story by looking at real life photographs of the Titanic. We then ordered the events of the Titanic on a timeline in groups. 


Have a look at the photographs and sources below. What can you tell your grown-up about the Titanic?


In our Phonics this week, we have been learning about the digraphs ea, and eaThese are digraphs that have the same letters, but make two different sounds. Feel free to consolidate these digraphs using your 'Time to Read' Monster Phonics booklets.




Christmas Production Practise

We have officially started practising for our Christmas production, 'Bethlehem Bake-Off'. We have been practising nearly everyday this week and the children now know their roles. Some children will have larger speaking roles, others will have small speaking or no speaking roles at all. In Year 2, the children will be given more speaking parts then. 


You should have received in your child's bag a slip with your child's role and costume ideas. Please can we have your child's costume by Monday 2nd December so we can do a rehearsal in our costumes. Any questions or problems, please come and see a member of the KS1 team.


Have a lovely weekend!


Mr Armishaw
