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ReptonPrimary School


W/c 9th December 2024

It has been another very exciting week this week in Repton Primary School, the Christmas preparations are in full swing, we’ve had exciting performances and visitors. Read on to find out more…


In Maths, Year 4 have been completing their block of work on Multiplication and Division. They have worked hard to learn relationships between different times tables like the 3-, 6- and 9-times tables. They have then moved on to learning not only the multiplication but the inverse operation of division facts for each times tables. They have worked incredibly hard and continue to work hard in and out of school to practice these tables ready for the multiplication check this year. Can you use your super learning to explain if Tiny is correct?

In Year 5 Maths, we have been continuing with our fractions work. The steps have become increasingly tricky but the children have worked incredibly hard to have an understanding of how to solve multiple stepped fraction questions. We have looked at adding and subtracting simple fractions, mixed number fractions and even moving on to breaking 1 whole to subtract fractions. The children have had to rely heavily on their multiplication understanding to support their learning and have tried their very best to understand these new concepts. Can you use all of your super learning we have done to work out this question with your adults?

In History this week we have been extremely lucky and have had a visitor come in one afternoon this week and talk to us all about World War II. We got to show off some of our super learning about the Blitz, the Canary Girls, the Home Guard and so much more. We then got the opportunity to have a look at some pictures and a gas mask to have an understanding of the size of one. This has made us very excited for our trip next week! Have a look at some pictures below of us learning how to salute and the items brought in.
