We have had a fantastic week this week with some great pieces of work produced! Read below to see what we got up to...
This week in English we started our new topic which looked at...the Titanic! We started off the week by looking at how passengers on board the Titanic would have felt when it first set off. We met Samson who was a (very tiny) passenger onboard and what adventures he got up to. Later on in the week we discussed the differences between first class and third class and came up with different adjectives we could use to describe these. These are some of the adjectives and verbs we used:
We started our new topic in maths which is fractions. We looked at what a unit fraction is and how we could write fractions based on shapes that were shaded. We discussed that when looking at fractions, each part of the shape needs to be split equally.
Our chilli questions looked how at how we could use reasoning to explain our answers. The children worked really hard to explain why Tiny was right or wrong and could explain their reasoning really well.
We looked at different objects that we could use to make sunglasses. We discussed the importance of sunglasses and how they protect our eyes from the sun. We discussed scientific terms such as retina, pupil and UV rays. The children then conducted an experiment using different materials.
They made their prediction using the terms opaque, translucent and transparent and then tested the different materials.
Spellings- 31/1/25