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ReptonPrimary School



We have had another busy week in Foxes class this week as we have been completing our termly assessments. All the children have done incredibly well, applying everything they have learnt to help them complete the papers. Well done to everyone!


In English this week we have taken all of the learning we have been doing about biographies, along with all the research and plans we have completed, to write our own biographies on either Anne Frank or Adolf Hitler. The children have challenged themselves and completed some fantastic pieces of writing! They look great on our writing wall!


In Maths, Year 4 have been continuing with their multiplication and division work. We have been looking at the 3 times table and then the 6 times table whilst finding links between the two and continuing to develop their understanding of commutativity. 


In Maths, Year 5 have been continuing with their fractions work this week. They have begun to look at how to compare fractions using <, > and =. They continued on to using our multiplication skills to find a common denominator to allow us to compare fractions. We have begun to look at how our times tables support our understanding of fractions. We recommend that Year 5 continue to practise their times tables at home in order to help them find related fractions more efficiently!


In History, we have continued to work on our topic of WWII and have written some fantastic letters this week. The children have used their learning from our class book, our research and learning to plan and write letters as an evacuee child during the war. The children really thought carefully about how the evacuees might have felt during that period of time and really articulated those feelings well in their letters.


I am so proud of all the children this week for working so hard! Well done everyone!


Miss Hanslow
