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ReptonPrimary School


10th Jan

Happy New Year! 


What a super week back at school.  The children all seem to be re-energised and keen to learn, which is fantastic.


We have a real buzz in our English lessons this week as we have been doing a lot of descriptive writing from a clip called 'The Black Hat'. The children have not seen the whole clip, so they are so keen to find out what will happen next. We have done some great predicting too, the children have some fantastic ideas, which we will utilise when it comes to their writing!


Maths has been a bit more tricky for a lot of us, with learning a new method of long multiplication. We have been working on multiplying 2 digit numbers by 2 digit numbers (23x18). We have been practising this and will continue to do so next week too, extending to 3 digit numbers by 2 digit numbers. If you want to practise some at home, that would be great. 


We have started our new topic of ‘Beautiful Brazil’ with a bang! We have learned all about geographical features of the world like the tropics, equator, hemispheres, continents and oceans. We have also started our new book ‘The Explorer’ which we have found out is set in the Amazon rainforest. We also started a new unit in Computing which is programming and we are using the program ‘Scratch’ to make music. We enjoyed tinkering with the software and learning how to add our own voices to it. The Year 5s are back doing the trumpets and we are learning about clothing in French with Mrs Jones. We have also started a new art topic of portraits. 



Maths- times table practise. 


Have a great weekend.


The Otters' Team

