The Puffins have had an exciting week this week! We have started new topics in History and English, we’ve had a new teacher and continued to work on the operations in Maths.
In English we have begun our new unit of work on biographies. We started our topic by working on a biography about Anne Frank. We have carefully looked at features of a biography and how these inform the reader and we have boxed up our WAGOLL so that we understand the structure and features used. This will help us going forward to understand the features and begin to use them in our own writing.
In Maths Year 4 have been looking at making efficient choices when subtracting to think of the best method to use to solve problems. They have been looking at estimating their answers and rounding numbers to help them estimate. They have continued to develop their use of column method to work out their answers and then used the inverse to check their answers.
Year 5 have been looking at multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1,000. We completed a practical lesson this week which helped the children deepen their understanding of how these numbers change on a place value chart, either moving to the left or the right depending on the operation. Then the children have moved onto using these skills to work out sums of multiples of 10, 100 and 1,000 using steps to solve problems. Can you explain this True or False question to your grown-up?
In Topic lessons this week we have started our new topic for the half term working on World War Two. This week we have been looking at conflict. We ordered a timeline of key events that took place and moved on to looking at which countries were Allies, which were Axis Power and which were neutral. We then moved on to seeing how these countries allegiances changed as the war went on and completed a map to depict these areas of influence for 1941.
Thank you for welcoming me to your school and it has been so lovely getting to know your children this week. I look forward to helping them in their learning, watching them grow and helping in any way that I can.
Have a great weekend!
Miss Parry.