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ReptonPrimary School


Week Commencing 18.11.24

A very chilly, icy week this week! Look below to find out what we have been learning about this week!



In our Maths learning, we have been learning about subtraction this week. We started off by seeing if we could find a missing part of a part-whole model by using cubes and resources to help us. We then learned how we can use other strategies to help us subtract such as drawing the whole in the form of circles, and looking at the part and crossing that many of circles off to find the remaining part. We also wrote subtraction number sentences in the form of ___ - ____ = ____ . Here are some pictures below. Can you work out the missing parts in each picture? Maybe you could write a subtraction sentence or addition sentence about it!







In our English learning, we have been continuing our work on non-chronological reports. We started off the week by learning about the conjunction - and. We learned that a conjunction joins two words or two sentences together. Can you come up with a sentence to combine with the sentences below, using the conjunction 'and'?


I had my breakfast and __________________________________________________________.


She rode her bike and ___________________________________________________________.

We went to the shops and _________________________________________________________.


In the week, we innovated our report by changing our subject. We have done so much work on the Titanic, that we thought to do our non-chronological report about the Titanic! We came up with an introduction, a sub-heading and some information about the Titanic. Can you tell your grown-up a question about the Titanic? Can you use a question mark at the end of your sentence? Maybe you could write an answer to your question as well!















We have had a very busy week with our History learning this week! We finished off our work learning about the Titanic. We then decided to look about how else could people cross the Atlantic Ocean, aside from using boats (like the Titanic). We learned that the first transatlantic flight was made by John Alcock and Arthur Brown in 1919. We learned about their flight and how it inspired flight travel today! We acted out their flight on the playground!

Acting of John Alcock and Arthur Brown's transatlantic flight in 1919!

We then dipped our toes even more into the future, looking at the 1950s and 1960s. We talked about how travel has changed even more. We looked at how scientists and inventors have created ways for people to go to space! We looked at the events of the 'Space Race' and the battle between the United States of America and the Soviet Union to see who could reach the moon face. We learned about these events below. Can you tell your grown-up about these events?






In our Phonics this week, we have been recapping a lot of digraphs taught in Robins. We have learned about oo, oo and oa. Please use the Monster Phonics booklet to recap any sounds learned this week. 





Reminder: Just a reminder that we will need Christmas costumes for the nativity soon!

Trip: A letter went out regarding a visit to the Jamia Mosque in Derby on Tuesday 28th January. Please see the details attached on the letter. If you have any questions, please get in touch. 

Have a lovely weekend!


Mr Armishaw
