We have had another fantastic week in the Hedgehogs class. Find out what we have been doing this week by scrolling down below.
In our Maths learning this week, we have been learning about how to count backwards from 10 - 0. We used this knowledge to help us answer some tricky problem solving questions. We also learned about how we can find one more and one less than a number by counting forwards and backwards from a specific number. There are Maths quizzes on Maths Shed based on what we have been learning about this week.
Challenge 1
Look carefully at these stacks of cubes to see if this person has counted backwards correctly.
Challenge 2
Can you complete this number track in two different ways?
In our English learning this week, we have been very creative. We started off the week by writing about the innovate that we did in class last week. We wrote some fantastic sentences using some key vocabulary, and some of us even started to introduce some adjectives into our work! Here are the pictures that we used in class. Can you think of a sentence for each of these parts of our story. Share your sentence with your grown-up and see if you can write an amazing sentence!
Opening Build-Up Problem
We also planned our ideas for own stories next week which we are also excited about!
In our History learning, we have been learning about fun things to do as a child. The children had to be historians and look at photographs taken 100 years ago to work out what children used to do for entertainment. We learned about what silent movies were and we even watched a clip of Charlie Chaplin! I have put another clip here as well, one we didn't watch in class!
We then moved on to looking at what unique jobs there were 100 years ago. We even acted some of the jobs out! Look at the photos below, can you work out what job each of the children are acting?
Other areas of the curriculum
In our Art, we looked at exploring and experimenting with mark-making and different materials. We looked at the work of Wassily Kandinsky to create some Kandinsky style artwork using 2D shapes, oil pastels, crayons and felt tips. The children produced some fantastic pieces of work. I have included some of the ones below.
In our Computing lesson, we continued to familiarise ourselves with the computer. The children logged onto laptops using their passwords and then we continued to work on using the mousepad to learn how to drag, rotate and click on objects. On Sketchpad, we learned how to create a background and add a picture from clipart. You are more than welcome to access Sketchpad here to practise at home.
Phonics and Spellings
This week in our Phonics we learned about the oi, ay and oy digraphs as well as practising some tricky words.
We also celebrated European Day of Languages on Thursday. This is a day where we celebrate the many languages that we have in the world. We learned a few words for 'hello' and 'goodbye' in languages like French, Italian and Spanish. We then looked at the flags of countries in Europe and we created our own flags.
I have also sent out a letter about Parents Evenings, and sent the letter on Parenthub. Please can you get the form back to me by Friday 4th October so I can allocate times as best as I can.
Have a lovely weekend!
Mr Armishaw