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ReptonPrimary School



As we come to the end of another half term in the Foxes class, we have been very busy this week completing units of learning and getting ready for a well-earned week off!


In Maths this week, the Year 4s have been focusing on perimeter. They have enjoyed finding missing sides to rectilinear shapes as well as working out the total perimeter for a range of different shapes. We will continue learning about this after half term before moving onto our learning about fractions!


In Year 5, the children have been learning about decimals to 2 decimal points. They have been representing tenths and hundredths as fractions and decimals. They will continue this learning after half term.


In English we completed our learning about explanation texts by writing our own explanation text all about the Amazon River! The children researched as much as they could about the River and then used all the skills they have learnt over the last few weeks to write an amazing explanation text! Well done everyone! They look fantastic on our Writing Wall!


In Geography, we have been learning about the population of Brazil and comparing it to the UK. We have also learnt about the land use in Brazil, specifically the use of the Amazon Rainforest and we learnt about the impact of deforestation.


Over the last 5 weeks we have been having a reading competition in the Foxes class. Well done to everyone who has been reading and recording their reading in their diaries!


Children who read 15+, 20+, 25+ and 30+ times over the 5 weeks received a special certificate and the two children who read the most at home (year 4 and 5) had a dip in the prize box! Well done for all your hard work and effort!
