We have had an incredibly busy week this week in Foxes class!
In English, we have written 3 different pieces of writing, using our clip “The Black Hat”. We started the week researching animals in the rainforest and writing a fact file about our chosen animal. We then thought about whether it is right to keep animals in zoos. We had a debate on this and the children conducted themselves fantastically. We then used our ideas to write a persuasive letter to either free our chosen Brazilian animal from a zoo or to release it. Then, for our final day, we have written a blurb to go with the video clip 'The Black Hat'. Next unit we will be learning about explanation texts.
In Maths, the Year 4s have been using short multiplication to multiply 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers. We did a lot of practice of this method, so hopefully the children feel secure at it. Next week, we will be learning how to divide using the ‘bus stop’ method. The Year 5s have carried on with the formal method for division and looked at the most efficient methods. These included using factors, partitioning, number lines and the bus stop method. They then completed the unit with an assessment.
In Geography, we have learned about the features of a river and rainforest layers this week. We really enjoyed learning about the different animals that live in each layer of the rainforest and linked this in to our fact file writing on Tuesday.