We have had a fantastic week in Foxes class this week. The children demonstrated democracy by voting for who they wanted to represent our class in school council. We even had voting papers and a ballot box! Foxes chose Edward and Florence as this year’s school council representatives! Well done you two! Well done also to all the children who put themselves forward to be nominated! It is incredibly brave to stand up in front of a group of people and give a speech – so well done!
In English this week, we continued reading the book ‘The Rain Player’. We began by writing instructions for the game of Pok-ta-Pok. The children thought about the type of vocabulary that this genre uses and how they could make these instructions as detailed as possible. We have also begun thinking about the main character, Pik, and how we could describe him. Our week ended on us focusing on improving our understanding of characters and adding more description to them through vocabulary.
In Maths this week Year 4 have begun flexibly partitioning numbers to 10,000 as well as thinking about how using number lines up to 10,000 can help them. The Year 5s have been looking at reading and writing numbers to 1,000,000 as well as finding 10, 100, 1000, 10,000 and 100,000 more or less than a given number.
In our History lessons this week we used our knowledge of maps and grid references to locate the co-ordinates of Maya cities. We thought about the countries that the Ancient Maya people lived in as well. Their houses were our next focus, we learnt about how they were made and described them in detail. Next week, we will be learning more about their settlements, as well as starting to think about what the Maya believed in.
Year 4 had a brilliant first swimming lesson and Year 5 showed respect and good listening as they were introduced to brass instruments in their first Trombone lesson.
Have a super weekend!
Miss Hanslow