What a fantastic week that we have had! We performed our KS1 Christmas Production to the whole school on Tuesday, and to families on Thursday. We are so proud of every single one of the children who performed, both Mrs Taylor-Day and I are very proud teachers. We hope you enjoyed the performance, as much as we did. We could not have done it without you, the parents, for providing the costumes for the children - they all looked adorable! And a big thank you for those that helped walk with us to the Repton 400 Hall - we definitely have got our steps in with all these walks! Thank you to Repton School and the technician for all their help in bringing this together as well, we thoroughly appreciate it!
Although we do not have a class photo of the KS1 children performing, we did take individual photos of them in their outfits in one of our practice run throughs!
Even with all these performances and rehearsals, we have been continuing with our learning in the background as well. Look below to find out what we have been learning about this week.
In our Maths learning this week, we have started our new unit on Shape. We have been learning all about 3D shapes and 2D shapes this week. We started by exploring what a 3D shape was, learning that it was a shape that was not flat. We talked about the fact that 3D shapes have 2D shape faces. We learned words such as cube, cuboid, cylinder, pyramid, sphere and cone. We did activities where we had to build towers using 3D shapes, and we had to say what shapes we used. Here are some of our creations!
Here are some shape games that you can also play to practise recognising 2D and 3D shapes!
In our English, we have been learning about how we can make setting descriptions come to life. We have focused on how we can create expanded noun phrases and use adjectives to describe a setting. An expanded noun phrase is where two adjectives are used to describe a noun, such as in "a fast, red car". Here is a game which you can do to practise choosing adjectives for an expanded noun phrase.
We also looked at innovating our setting description by choosing a new setting to try and describe. As it is close to Christmas, we decided to choose a Christmas setting. Can you tell your grown-up a sentence about this setting? Can you use an expanded noun phrase?
In our History learning, we have been learning about conflict in the past 100 years. We have been learning about what it was like for soldiers during WW1 and WW2 and what conditions they were in. We also learned about others who helped in the war. We looked at how women in WW1 did many of the jobs in the UK to help with the war effort. We also learned about animals that helped with the war effort. We particularly looked at the story of Sergeant Stubby. The children used tin foil to create statues to memorialise somebody or an animal that helped in the war. Here are some pictures of our creations below!
We also started to look at art from 100 years ago. We looked at the art of Pablo Picasso from the 1920s. We looked at the style of art called Cubism. We looked at his "Weeping Woman" piece and we were inspired to create our own self-portraits using this style! See if your child can create their own Picasso-inspired self-portrait.
This week, we have been looking at the digraphs ue, ue and ew. These are tricky digraphs, so please use the time to read sheets to help with these words.
There are no spellings to learn for this coming week, and there are no spellings to learn over the Christmas break. I have set some optional Spelling Shed and Maths shed activities over the Christmas break.
One more week to go Hedgehogs!
Mr Armishaw