We have had a very busy week this week! Read below to find out what we have been up to...
In English we looked at using short, snappy sentences in our writing and how these create suspense. The children came up with some really good sentences which they then added into their writing. We then looked at different types of passengers that would travel on the Titanic. We discussed whether these passengers were first or third class and how this would change their journey experience.
We considered these questions- What's your character called? How old are they? Why are they travelling on the Titanic? Are they travelling with family or alone?
The children then created a plan which looked at what their character was doing when Titanic hit the iceberg. We discussed thoughts, feelings, sounds and sights.
Towards the end of the week, the children wrote their independent retelling of the Titanic from the point of view of their character.
This week we have been delving deeper into our learning on fractions. We spent a couple of lessons on looking at the 'whole' and what this looks like in fractions. We used shaded shapes to work out missing fractions and then worked on different ways we can write the whole.
This week we looked at Vatnajökull Glacier in Iceland discussed how climate change is destroying glaciers all across Iceland and other parts of the world.
We learnt that Vatnajokull Glacier is the size of 3000 football fields which really amazed the class! After 1890, most glaciers have begun to retreat due to global temperatures rising. We explored Iceland further by watching Europe's Largest Glacier - Iceland's Vatnajökull | Europe To The Maxx . The children then created a newspaper report on Vatnajokull Glacier and explained what was happening to it.