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ReptonPrimary School


Week Commencing 13.1.25

Another great week in the Hedgehogs class! We have had quite a creative week in the Hedgehogs class this week, where we have used sand, paint and even grass for some of our art tasks! Have a look below to find out what we have been doing this week.



In our Maths learning, we have been learning about the numbers 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19. We have learnt that each of these numbers is made up of a 'ten' and a number of 'ones'. We have had a go this week at building these numbers using base 10 and then counting pictures of these numbers. Here are some Maths challenges below to have a go at!


Challenge 1 - Count/Read the number below. Can you match the representation on the left, with the representation on the right?

Challenge 2 - Which one is the odd one out and why?



In our English learning this week, we have continued to learn the story of The Giant Jumperee. We looked at some of the features of the story this week such as how it is written in the past tense and how it has a lot of exclamation marks. The children had a go at writing sentences with past tense verbs from the story such as 'leaped' and 'stomped', and had a go at writing exclamation sentences. We also had a go at writing sentences about the story so that we can innovate the story next week!


Here is a game which can help your child with what punctuation to use at the end of a sentence. It might require a parent to help read the sentences! 



In our Geography learning this week, we have been looking very closely at the map of Kenya. We have looked at the physical geography of Kenya, looking at the different environments and physical landmarks that Kenya has. We learned where Kenya's rivers, lakes, mountains, deserts, beaches, oceans, rainforests and savannas were by using the maps. 


Here is a map of Kenya from space. Can you tell your grown-ups where you think the words above are on the map. I have also put some pictures of some of the landmarks we looked at as well to help you!






Our art unit this term is all about painting and using media. So far, we have been learning about how we can make secondary colours (green, orange and purple) using primary colours (blue, red and yellow). We put this into practise by creating a piece of artwork inspired by the artist Jasper Johns' piece of art Numbers in Colour. The children used paint to create their own 0-9 artwork using paint and mixing with secondary colours. Please see the bottom of this page for photos!



Earlier this week, a Parenthub went out about bringing a 2-litre bottle for our Computing lesson. Over the next few lessons, we will be learning how to design and create a rocket using computer programmes. We started this week to use Microsoft Word to create a list and practise our typing skills. We will be designing our rocket using Sketchpad next week. If you have any 2-litre bottles, please could you bring them in the next two weeks please. Thank you for this!


In our Phonics learning, we have learnt the ew digraph, and how and when to use c or k before certain letters. We learnt that we use k before the letters 'i', 'e' and 'y' such as kip, kettle, and sticky. We learnt that we use c before the letter 'a', 'o', 'u' such as cat, cot and cuddle. Please use the time to read sheets to consolidate these sounds. 


Spellings - also available on Spelling Shed. 



Have a lovely weekend,


Mr Armishaw



Art photos - painting like Jasper Johns
