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ReptonPrimary School



Wow another week has passed and the Otters have been fantastic again! 


This week in Maths we have started our multiplication topic, we have started off by looking at multiples, factors and prime numbers. We will continue with this next week.


In English, the children have been doing a lot of preperation for writing their newspaper reports next week. We have planned out what we will report on and how we will organise our paragraphs. We have some fantastic ideas for headlines and newspaper names. 


In PE on Thursday, we continued to practise the skills we have learnt over the last few weeks and different types of shots in Volleyball. We discussed when to use each shot, a dig would be if the ball was approaching us low, a set shot if the ball was high.  We had a little rally and next week we will have a game to finish the topic.


In Topic, we have tasted chocolate from Maya times, it was a bit of  a mixed bag, when it came to our reactions!


We have also been getting a bit messy with paper mache. We have covered the milk bottles, ready to decorate these next week! This is a lovely way to complete our Maya topic. Thank you again for the milk bottles and newspaper.


Have a lovely weekend.




Year 4- Addition within 10,000

Year 5- Column addition and subtraction



Year 4- Key words from statatory list

Year 5- Key words from the statatory list

