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ReptonPrimary School



In Maths this week, the Year 4s have started a new unit, learning all about length and perimeter. We learnt about kilometres and metres and how to find equivalent lengths, we also reminded ourselves about what perimeter is and how you can work out the perimeter of a shape.


The year 5s have been learning how to find fractions of amounts. Next week we are moving onto learning about decimals and percentages.


On Friday, we all took part in NSPCC Number Day by completing a range of Maths activities and games. We also had a tournament of TTRS to see which class could earn the most points!


In English, we have continued our learning about explanation texts. The children have had a go at writing an explanation text about the life cycle of a butterfly. They have included all of the features that we have been learning about, as well as thinking about how they might present it on the page. Next week the children will have a go at writing their own explanation text about the Amazon River!


In our topic, we have been learning about biomes in Brazil, we found out that Brazil has three main biomes: Tropical Rainforest, Tropical Grasslands and Grasslands. We discussed reasons as to why this might be and what this tells us about the climate in Brazil. We also learnt about the population of Brazil and how the population is either dense of sparse depending on where people live. The children were interested to learn the different types of homes people live in in Brazil and how much they vary.


Next week we look forward to our Valentines Disco on Wednesday!
