We have had an action-packed week this week with lots of acting, lots of artwork, and lots of new sounds in our Phonics! Look below to find out what we have been up to!
In our Maths learning, we have been continuing our work on comparing numbers. We started by looking at the crocodiles from last week and how we can compare numbers using these. We also had a go at some tricky problems to do with the crocodiles. Here is one below! What numbers could go in this number sentence?
We have also learned how we can order numbers too. We learned that we can order numbers from smallest to greatest and how we can also order numbers from greatest to smallest. Have a look at these objects below. How have they been ordered?
Example 1
Example 2
At the start of the week, we edited our HOT WRITES from last week. Editing is where children respond to marking, normally using a pink pen to correct their mistakes. This can be correcting capital letters and full stops, or sometimes spellings of high frequency words. The children loved editing their work!
We then moved onto our next Talk 4 Writing genre which is instruction writing. Instructions are a piece of text that inform someone how to do something. To get us inspired with our new instructions, we actually followed them! We followed a set of instructions to make a Spinning Top! We chose this text because we have been learning about toys in the past. The children loved it and you can see some of the spinning tops below, as well as our model text that we are going to learn over the next few lessons.
Other Areas of the Curriculum
In our History learning, we started to learn about what homes were like 100 years ago. We started by looking at homes in our local area of Repton to identify homes that were old and homes that were new. We then started to understand about what the inside of homes were like 100 years ago and how technology has changed over time. Can you tell your grown up something that you can't see in a home from 100 years ago?
In our Art learning, we had our final lesson on mark-making and drawing. The children were given a picture or an object to observe. They then were given the option of using different materials to bring out the colours and marks from the picture. I was so impressed with the artwork - I think we have some mini Picassos in the making! You can find pictures of us working hard below!
In our Computing lessons, we have continued to use Sketchpad to develop our skills with using the mouse and the computer keys. We worked in groups to create a scene from The Three Little Pigs. We created backgrounds, gathered pictures from clipart and used the drawing tool as well. Here are some of our creations below.
Phonics and Spellings
In our Phonics learning, we have learned so many new sounds this week! We have learned the e-e, i-e and o-e split digraphs! They are very tricky sounds, but the children have been brilliant at learning them!
This weeks spellings are;
Have a lovely weekend!
Mr Armishaw