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ReptonPrimary School



We can't quite believe how we are at the end of the second week already! Time is going so fast and we have been getting so much done! 


This week we have voted for our class councillors, the children that wanted to be considered explained to the class why they would be good candidates. The children then voted for the people they thought would do a good job of representing the Otters. Well done to Henry W and Demelza. 


Year 4 started swimming this week and did fantastically, whilst Year 5 had their first wider opportunities session on Tuesday too. 


In English, we have continued with our Maya story and written a set of instructions for how to play Pok-ta-Pok. We have also worked on direct and indirect speech towards the end of the week. 


In Maths, we have continued our work on place value, where we have found numbers more and less than, partitioned numbers to 1000000 and placed them on a number line. 


In Science we have tested out some materials to see which properties they have, we looked to see if they were magnetic, permeable, flexible and transparent. 


For our topic we have used our map skills to see where the Maya settled and colonised. We identified the countires and created an advert to sell a Mayan home. 


Thank you to those of you that attended the meeting on Wednesday, it was great to see you. 


A super busy week. We hope you have a restful weekend.


The Otters' Team



Maths work on place value and spellings sheet.
