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ReptonPrimary School


wc: 21/10/24

What a fantastic last week we have had, Kingfishers! You have all worked really hard and I'm very proud of the work we have accomplished this week!



We have finished our topic on addition and subtraction so this week we completed our end of topic assessment which the class worked hard on. I have uploaded some activities for the children to practice on Maths Shed (which can be accessed through Spelling Shed). Over half term, it would be fantastic if the children could have a go at these to develop their addition and subtraction skills further. After half term we will be starting our multiplication and division topic so if you have any spare time then practicing 2, 5 and 10 times tables would be great. smiley



On Wednesday we completed our hot writes for our topic on biographies. The class worked really hard and wrote fantastic biographies on Frida Kahlo. They referred to the features found in a biography, such as a title, introduction, subheadings, key facts and quotations. The handwriting has massively improved over the last 7 weeks which I'm so impressed with. After half term we will be looking at persuasive adverts and we will start at looking at how we could create an advert for the circus. 



The Harvest Festival 

On Monday the whole school visited St Wystan's Church to perform our harvest song 'All Your Gifts.' I was so impressed with how Kingfishers performed their song; they sung beautifully and even remembered to add our actions. A huge thank you for all the help we received from parents, it was really appreciated! 




The spellings I have sent home will be for the first Friday back (8th). We have also sent home a times table activity booklet. If this is completed our half term, the children will received 20 house points when we start back! 


I hope you all have a well earned break, Kingfishers. Well done for a fantastic first half term.


Miss Ward 




