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ReptonPrimary School


Week Commencing 16.9.24

We have had a lovely week in the Hedgehogs class this week. Look below to find out what we have been up to!



In our Maths learning this week, the children have been learning about how to count forwards from a given number, read and write numbers in words, and to be able to represent numbers in many different ways. I have set some Maths quizzes on Maths Shed that target this week's learning.


Maths Challenge

See if you can read all these numbers in words in 2 minutes OR see if you can roll two dice, add the numbers together and find the number that you have made (parents might be needed to help with this!). Cross that number off and see how many numbers you can cross out in 5 minutes of doing this game. 



In our English learning this week, we have learned what adjectives are. We learned that an adjective is a describing word. This is a word that could be used to describe something's appearance (colour, size, shape), feelings or how something is. We came up with adjectives to describe some of the things that we saw in the story. Can you come up with some adjectives to describe these things below. I have put some examples below to help you!



Zog is a orange dragon.                  A kind princess.                     A hard tree.


We also innovated the story of Zog and on Thursday we changed the character of Zog the dragon to be Zog the Hedgehog! We then changed the other features of the story. Can you remember what else we changed of the story. What did Zog the Hedgehog learn at Hedgehog school? What was the problem of the story?


Other Areas of the Curriculum


In our History learning this week, we learned what life we was like in schools 100 years ago. We learned that it was not the nicest life for a child 100 years ago. We talked about the differences between the past and the present. See if you can draw a classroom from 100 years ago! Use this video to help give you some ideas:



In our Computing learning, we learned about how we can use laptops. We learned about how laptops and computers have accounts and that we need to login using a username and a password so that everything on a computer is nice and safe. We then had a go at accessing the internet to use a creative program called Sketchpad. As it is the children's first time using a mouse and keypad, we gave them time to explore the features of this website. You are more than welcome to have a go at using this programme at home on a computer or an IPAD. The link is here:



Last week, we learned about different marks we can make. We learned about how to make vertical lines, horizontal lines, diagonal lines, wavy lines, cross-hatched lines and broken lines. This week, we looked at waves and some paintings of waves to see how different lines can be used to create artwork. The children then worked in groups of 3 to create their own wavy scene using different line strokes and using a variety of different materials such as crayons, felt tips and even oil pastels! Here are some of their pieces of work below!

Book Bus Photos

Spellings and Phonics

This week in Phonics the children have learned the tch, ve and ai graphemes, as well as some tricky words.


The children did their first spelling test this week and I was really proud with how they did. The new spellings can be found on the next page in their Spelling Record book, or on Spelling Shed.


Some children we have given different spellings. Please look in your child's spelling record book to see which spellings we have allocated your child. Any questions, please let me know. 


Have a lovely weekend Hedgehogs!


Mr Armishaw
