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ReptonPrimary School


Week beginning 27.01.24

Our Learning


We have had another fabulous week in Seals class. It has involved Elon Musk, lots of number work and some brilliant looking rockstars!



English –

We started our new English unit this week which is biographies. This week has been centred around our model text. We started off by discussing the purpose and audience of a biography and reading our example text about Elon Musk. We then answered comprehension questions about our model text, identified features of a biography and box up the model text. Towards the end of the week we have completed activities to celebrate National Storytelling Week. This has included joining a live webinar with author Steven Camden, planning a piece of writing using the skills and techniques he taught us, and sharing stories which we have written ourselves at home!


Maths -

We have finished our algebra unit of work this week and moved on to decimals. So far this has involved identifying decimal numbers within and beyond 1, rounding decimals to the nearest integer, tenth and hundredth, adding and subtracting decimals and multiplying and dividing decimals by 10,100 and 1000.


Geography - 

In our first Geography lesson this week, we learnt how to use six figure grid references to locate features on a map. Using our knowledge, we used six figure grid references to locate popular natural attractions in Canada and used the map to help us identify the six figure grid reference for various attractions. Our second lesson this week was a research lesson. Children were tasked with researching up to 4 of Canada's natural wonders, noting what it is and considering why it is such a popular tourist attraction. Next week, we will use the knowledge we have obtained so far to produce a holiday brochure for Canada!


Homework –

Children have been given a piece of Maths and English homework this week which relates to the learning we have been doing in school. The tasks have been explained in school, but if you have any questions please do not hesitate to find me. Homework is due on Monday 5th February 2024.


Spellings -


Year 6, List 18 - Challenge Words












Spellings given out: Monday 29th January 2024

Spelling test: Monday 5th February 2024


Have a great weekend,


Miss Bailey
