Our Learning
What a busy final week of term we have had in Seals class! It has been a week full of writing hieroglyphics, graffiti and hot writes!
English –
This week, the children have been writing and editing their finding tales. They have created imaginative storylines and worked hard to describe and add detail using figurative language and 'show not tell' techniques. We will publish our work for the writing wall when we return.
Maths –
We have continued our fractions unit of work this week. This has involved adding two or more fractions, subtracting two or more fractions, and adding and subtracting mixed number fractions. Today, the children completed a Bonfire Night themed Maths challenge which recapped their learning so far this year. We will be continuing our fractions work when we return after the half term.
History -
Our ancient Egyptian topic has now been brought to a close. Our final week of learning about the Egyptians revolved around conflict. We looked at wars, weapons which were used by the Egyptians, tomb raiders and the interesting story of Cleopatra, the 'Queen of Egypt'. We also spent some time writing our name in hieroglyphics and each have our very own hieroglyphics bookmark to bring home today!
Art -
As part of our 'Kapow' art unit, we created Halloween street art this week! We used a variety of tools to produce a background 'wall' and then designed our own graffiti lettering to place on top!
Homework –
Children have been given their practise SATs papers to look through over the half-term. They are also encouraged to read and practise their spellings/times tables alongside this.
Spellings -
Year 6, List 8
Spellings given out: Monday 21st October
Spelling test: Monday 4th November
Have a fantastic half term break!
Miss Bailey