Our Learning
We have had another fantastic week in Seals class! It has involved celebrities, equations and plant kingdoms!
English –
Our new unit is 'Biographies' so we started the week looking at the structure of a biography and the language used within it. We then conducted research about a partner and wrote an informative paragraph in the style of a biography. Towards the end of the week, we have been researching facts about a Canadian celebrity of our choice. The children have planned out each of their paragraphs and began writing their extended piece today.
Maths -
We have almost reached the end of our algebra unit of work. This week it has involved forming equations, solving 1-step and 2-step equations, finding pairs of values and solving problems with two unknowns. Our next Maths unit will be decimals.
Geography -
Now that we have a good understanding of the location of Canada, we have moved on to learning about the country's physical geography. In our lesson this week, we used maps and atlases to help us uncover the country's physical features. This included identified the country's land size, weather and climate, biomes and other features such as lakes, rivers, mountains and bays. We also spent a lesson looking at the seven physiographic regions of Canada, comparing the ways Canada can be divided to the ways the UK can be divided.
Homework –
Children have been given a piece of Maths and English homework this week which relates to the learning we have been doing in school. The tasks have been explained in school, but if you have any questions please do not hesitate to find me. Homework is due on Monday 20th January 2025.
Spellings -
Year 6, Term 2, Week 4
Spellings given out: Monday 13th January 2025
Spelling test: Monday 20th January 2025
Have a brilliant weekend,
Miss Bailey