This week we have been looking at subtracting numbers with an exchange. The children have worked really hard with this and have learnt when it is necessary to exchange. We started off by looking at exchanging across 10s and discussed how you know when you need to exchange.
We then moved on to looking at exchanging across 100s. This can be quite complicated but the class worked really hard with this and I was very impressed with their work.
This week we have looked at abstract drawings. We used view finders to segment off small parts of a picture and looked at how we could use our skills that we have learnt over the last few weeks.
This week we have looked at the properties of different types of rocks. We learnt some key vocabulary, such as humas, organic matter and particles. We looked at the different elements that make up soil and looked at how we could segment these. We conducted an experiment using a plastic bottle, soil and water.
The children drew a picture of their observations and labelled their drawings using the scientific vocab we had learnt.
Spellings- Week 6