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ReptonPrimary School


Week beginning 23.09.24

Our Learning


We have had yet another wonderful week in Seals class. It has involved multiplication methods, tool making and a 'Hello' from across Europe!


English –

We have completed our diaries this week which has involved editing and publishing our final pieces of work. Our new unit, which we have started this week, is poetry. The children have each chosen a style of poetry they would like to follow and have researched the key features of this poetry type. Today, the children chose a topic to write their poems about and created a double page spread of ideas and description around their chosen theme. We look forward to writing our poems next week!


Maths –

We have continued our four operations unit of work this week which has involved applying the rules of divisibility, identifying prime numbers to 100, identifying square and cube numbers, multiplying 4 digit numbers by 2 digit numbers using long multiplication, and exploring alternative methods for solving multiplication problems. Next week, we will be moving on to division. 


History -

At the start of the week, we studied ancient Egypytian homes. This involved learning what a 'typical' house was like, inside and out, and identifying differences between the homes of the rich and the poor. Later in the week, we discovered what people did for work during the ancient Egyptian period. We looked at what each job entailed and considered the positives and negatives of these. We looked at the 'hierarchy pyramid' of ancient Egyptian jobs, identifying those that were higher due to their status/ranking within society.



Our first art unit this year is 'Drawing'. This week, we were building our expressive mark making skills. To do this, we used a range of weird and wonderful resources to recreate Maya patterns and symbols. Some of us even invented our own tools to use!



Homework –

Children have been given Maths and English homework this week which relates to what we have been learning about in school. The tasks have been explained in class, but if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Homework is due in school on Monday.


Spellings -


Year 6, List 4












Spellings given out: Monday 23rd September 2024

Spelling test: Monday 30th September 2024


Have a great weekend,


Miss Bailey
